Saturday, August 21, 2010

Indian Creation Myth: Anisha

Vishnu, the preserver, appeared from Nothingness. Brahma, the creater, was created from Vishnu’s naval. Shiva, the destroyer, appeared on Brahma’s forehead when he began to think.

The stories of the gods have been recorded in script and in song. They talk of the powers, the fearful powers of the Gods that lived. They continue to look upon the rest of us from above. They continue to maintain balance between the good and the bad, the virtues and the punishment and the life and death. The life of everyone is at their mercy. This may be my belief, some may call it that.

In the beginning I resisted. I believed in the gods of Nature. However, as time is passing I am slowly beginning to accept and believe in Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva. My entire community believes in them and I have heard stories about miracles that have happened. I have also seen paintings of these great gods. I know they exist for my belief is turning to be too strong. Even the thought of them is relief enough for me when times are hard and I feel there is no one to look after my family and me. After praying to the gods, I feel at peace and at one with the world. My hopes, dreams and secrets, I keep nothing from them. If not anything, they help me get through my day.

….. ….

The idea of ‘forces’ that create, preserve and destroy is beautiful. Life and consciousness is a balance between all of these. I would love to believe that as the absolute truth, although a lot of unanswered questions would leave me dissatisfied.

Yet, it would create a conflict within me.

It has been proved to me that the earth is round piece of rock and metal that was created after the big bang billions of years ago. That is also an elegant story. Only thing is, it means nothing to me. It shows me how immensely tiny I am in this universe; insignificant and free of any purpose and responsibilities. It is liberating and sometimes aimless.

On the other hand, belief in any sort of higher power or force, not necessarily in gods, satisfies my human need for support and explanation in certain situations- situations that are important to me yet are meaningless when looked at from a cosmic level.

It seems to me that I create a safety net out of fallacy and my imagination, to ‘protect’ me from a fall. If this is true, so be it.

I don’t need to struggle between my two scientific and non-scientific beliefs. I can simply switch from one to the other whenever I choose to.

Yet, none of my beliefs resonate with the story of Vishnu, Brahma or even Shiva. They seem like out-dated stories created using a wild imagination; entertaining but not worthy of serious consideration.

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